Embracing Intuition
Last week I went to Vegas for a photography conference and I’ve returned with a brand new outlook. (Which means it was far beyond worth it.) So… what was my biggest take away? It’s simple, really.
I’m exactly where I need to be. Always.
Mural by @Leftyoutthere
While I was in Vegas, I had some fun doing street photography. The funny thing?… I completely forgot how much I LOVE STREET PHOTOGRAPHY. Before I was a professional wedding photographer, I used to go for walks several times a week, to just document the world around me. The interactions among people and their environment. The beauty of things blowing in the wind. The strength of a tiny ant. I studied and photographed it ALL.
I love the challenge of the limitations while embracing the endless choices.
But my favorite part… it’s as if I shared a moment with these strangers that no one else got to experience. That has a power and beauty of it’s own.
It’s Raw. It’s Honest. It’s a chance. And it’s Me.
So, you may be asking, what does this have to do with intuition, Rachel??
It’s been a long long time since I’ve photographed something JUST FOR ME. At every moment when intuition kicked in, and said, ‘get that’ ‘move over there’ ‘leave this space and move on… I listened. I kept going, listening to my intuition and no one else.
When I say ‘I’m exactly where I need to be,” I use the word ‘where’ to mean more than just location… I’m using it to describe time, emotional state, and everything that encompasses reality. Here’s the deal…
I realized that listening to and trusting myself will be the biggest advantages I’ll ever have.
Because… what’s life if you’re not living in this moment, right now?
This exact moment. This is everything.
I have a new confidence and a new trust. Within myself. …Because these images captured on the streets of Vegas show me it was worth it to trust myself.
This is exactly how I saw Vegas and this is how I’ll remember it.
Painting by Jay Mason @jfnm303