Best Decade Ever

Best Decade Ever

Have you thought a lot about what's changed for you since 2010? If you're like me, you can’t stop thinking about the changes.

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Me. 10 years ago.

This year, I'm dreaming bigger than ever before. It's not a new year's resolution. It's a 'new decade's resolution.'


Giving myself a year to accomplish something is a great start, but what if I was to give myself a decade to accomplish something? Something BIG. Several somethings. Whoa. Yassssss.

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Me. A month ago.

There’s a program (100% Free!) that I joined, called Best Decade Ever. It’s led by Mel Robbins and comes with a workbook, daily activities to jump-start thinking BIGger, and a community of others who want to do the same. Talk about sweet!!!

I've been following Mel Robbins for a few years and she's helped me tremendously overcome some big fears, even bigger anxieties, which is why I’m sharing this journey in the first place. I've grown so much with the tools she's taught me, including the 5-Second Rule that I want others to know about her too.

Best Decade Ever can be completed at any time. I’m doing the month-long program starting Jan 6, 2020. It’s time for deep reflection and big forward thinking.

We so much overestimate what we can do in a day, and so much underestimate what we can do in a year, or a decade! The time is now.

Making small decisions every day that will become massive transformations with time. I’m so ready! Are you ready?

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